Salmon Oil

น้ำมันปลาแซลมอน (Salmon Oil)

It is known to be a rich source of omega-3 fats. The omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon oil include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexenoic acid (DHA). These omega-3s are considered “acids Essential fats, which means they need to be obtained from food because The body cannot create it on its own. Research has linked consumption of EPA and DHA to a number of health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease. 

Better brain and anti-inflammatory These two types of essential fatty acids were first discovered in the 1950s, so it is not surprising that a lot of research has been done on them. Study and discover the benefits that exist in “Omega 3 fatty acids” from research published in the medical journal Cancer and Metastasis Reviews indicate that EPA and DHA fatty acids found in the omega 3 fatty acid group, when they enter the body, are converted into Anti-inflammatory substances (Resolvins) that have properties to act against inflammation that occurs as a result.

The body’s natural function. Therefore, fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, helps reduce inflammation. Reduce the risk of developing respiratory failure and reduce the creation of cytokines (Cytokine) that cause lung inflammation from viral infections. This is equivalent to reducing the risk of death from severe infection.

1. Good for the heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Studies have shown that people who regularly consume fish oil have Lower rates of heart disease Many risk factors for heart disease are reduced by consuming fish oil.

2. Good for the brain

DHA is the main structural component of brain cells. It is responsible for memory, language, learning, creativity, mood, and concentration. It also enhances high-level brain responses and decision-making. Studies have shown that taking fish oil regularly helps. In the matter of short-term and long-term memory and strengthening development of the brain to be efficient

3. Good for the immune system

Regular consumption of fish oil containing omega-3 helps strengthen the function of white blood cells in the body. It boosts immunity and fights various diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to influence immune function.

4. Good for joints

Inflammation is the immune system’s way of fighting infection and healing injury. However, chronic inflammation is associated with serious illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart disease. Reducing inflammation It can help treat the symptoms of these diseases. due to oil Fish has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it may help treat chronic inflammation.For example, in individuals who are stressed and obese. Fish oil can reduce the production and gene expression of inflammatory molecules called cytokines. Fish oil supplements have also been shown to reduce joint pain, stiffness and medication needs in people with rheumatoid arthritis. oid This can be extremely painful for joints.

Summary: Fish oil has strong anti-inflammatory effects and can help reduce symptoms of inflammatory diseases especially rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Good for the skin

Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, both EPA and DHA, are important components of cell membranes. They help retain water and moisture, keep skin looking healthy and play a protective role. naturally to prevent damage caused by the sun’s UV rays.

6. Good for the eyes

Regularly taking fish oil rich in omega-3s is a good way to reduce the risk of vision loss that begins to deteriorate with age. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids help relieve dry eye symptoms.

7. Good for the liver

Nowadays, liver disease is common. Especially non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which in the long term can cause hepatitis, cirrhosis, and may increase the risk of liver cancer in the future. Research has found that fish oil can reduce Triglyceride levels can significantly aid liver function and reduce inflammation. This may help reduce the symptoms of fatty liver disease and the level of fat that accumulates within the liver.

8. Good for the mind

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the world. Symptoms include sadness, lethargy and a general loss of interest in life. which will be found Anxiety and other symptoms continuous and symptoms do not go away But what’s interesting is that studies have shown that people who regularly consume omega-3s are less likely to experience symptoms of depression. What’s more, people with depression or anxiety who started taking omega-3s saw improvements in their symptoms.There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids: ALA, EPA, and DHA. Of these three, EPA appears to be most effective in dealing with depression. Studies have also found that EPA is as effective against depression as traditional antidepressants.



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