Acai Berry ?

อาซาอิเบอร์รี่ (Acai Berry)

Acai Berry is one of the fruits from Central and South America, which is often found in the Amazon rainforest. The part that is usually consumed is the fruit, which is about 1 inch round, dark purple in color, and tastes like a mix of blackberries and bitter chocolate.

In terms of nutrients, Acai Berry is packed with many substances that the body needs, such as the recommended daily intake of vitamin A at about 15 percent and other vitamins, calcium at about 2 percent, important minerals such as chromium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, fatty acids, and amino acids. And antioxidants such as anthocyanins and others are very high. Simply put, just eating 10 grams of Acai berries will get antioxidants equivalent to eating 188 tomatoes.

The benefits of "Acai berries"

Although there are currently no scientific studies that clearly confirm the properties of Acai in this regard. And although consuming foods high in fiber helps the digestive system work better, the body absorbs and breaks down nutrients more efficiently. But many studies have found that consuming Acai berries does not help increase the body’s metabolic rate. However, one study found that taking dietary supplements containing Acai may help reduce the risk of high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes in obese people.

This fruit has many other health benefits, such as

Being an antioxidant

The deep purple skin of the fruit is rich in antioxidant anthocyanins, which help protect the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals and may help prevent heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other diseases caused by the deterioration of the body with age. 


From the results of the experimental research, there are reports that the substances in acai berries have the effect of reducing inflammation that can cause cancer, heart disease, and blood vessel disease.

Cautions in "Acai berries"

Even though this fruit has benefits, eating acai berries in the form of daily food is usually not harmful. However, there is still insufficient scientific evidence to confirm the safety of consuming this fruit in the form of dietary supplements.



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